DNAInfo.com Rogers Park Twitter Feed 2/15/13 6:45 pm |
Well now we know that Gerald Farinas' father is out of scanning and he is continuing to bleed. We hope for a speedy recovery but this blogger does not go to DNAinfo.com Rogers Park's Twitter Feed to catch up with local "celebrity" Gerald Farinas and all the minutiae of his life. Ok its official no one is watching the DNAinfo.com Twitter Feed. We already learned yesterday that his father had internal bleeding as seen in the previous screenshot posted late last night. DNAinfo.com Twitter Feed is not the appropriate place to broadcast personal information, isn't that why there is Facebook?. Why is DNAinfo.com allowing this to occur? Retweeting national news does not make someone an important figure or a journalist and even it if did we don't want to know your personal information.
Update #1 Gerald Farinas response 2/16/13 1pm.-
Gerald Farinas @GeraldFarinas
"Apparently someone thinks I tweet for #DNAinfo? LMAO!! "
But Gerald Farinas knows that DNAinfo.com carries his tweets. So effectively he is tweeting for DNAinfo.com. Why the broadcasting of personal information? Its inappropriate. Joe Moore doesn't broadcast for DNAinfo.com either, but he knows his tweets make it onto the site as well. So its all arbitrary how you explain it, and its still wrong especially if you know your tweets are making it onto a site where public news is gathered to put that information on there. You should use that opportunity to speak about important issues and not your personal life. And more importantly if DNAinfo.com knows that Gerald Farinas is posting about non important personal information then why are they carrying his tweets?
Update #2 Gerald Farinas 2/16/13 3pm.
Gerald plays coy that DNAinfo.com broadcasts his tweets. He is minority owner of Chicago Phoenix and a media strategist, if he is ignorant of this then what does that say about his knowledge of media?
"Gerald Farinas @GeraldFarinas
So apparently #DNAinfo does broadcast my stuff on its feed. Interesting."
(Of course that is the standard reply, ignorance and denial, he is so famous how would he even know?)
Please keep reading for close up of Twitter Feed and more story.