According to the E-bay there are five of these wonderful books for sale. Why wouldn't someone write a textbook on the important subject of Rogers Park (Metra) of the Union Pacific Railroad?
Books for Africa is a nonprofit organization (headquartered in St Paul Mn) that sends books and computers to Africa. The sale of this improbable book is supposed to help support this worthy cause. You can also see in the bottom right corner that there is "high quality content by WIKIPEDIA articles!"
List price is 98.54 and they are on sale for 76.28 (22 percent off). Free standard shipping straight from Lakewood, New Jersey. This book is being sold by unbeatable sales which has a 99.4 percent approval rating with over 70,000 sales. The blurb below doubles as a complete description of the Rogers Park Metra station.
Please continue reading to read the E-Bay listing's blurb