Sunday, November 1, 2015

Jargowood Meeting November 3rd

Jnauts & Friends

Jargowood meets Tues Nov 3 - at the usual time and place - (Chalet Living and Rehab Center - 7350 N Sheridan at 7:30 pm)

SAVE THE DATE - Jargowood Holiday Party Sunday Dec 13, 2015

Autumn Reminder - Falling Leaves and Streets & San - Although Streets and San do come down our streets and curbsides picking up fallen leaves and what not, often this is not enough.  Storm Drains Clog!  You!  You there!  Clear the dead leaves and plastic bags and smashed paper stuff out of your storm drains!

When it snows, if you have not made any personal effort to remove the dead leaves from curbside and storm drains, you will shovel wet leaves as well as snow when you dig out your parking space at the curbside.  A perfect winter activity, shoveling dead leaves......and the very big puddles where the storm drains are clogged, also a fun thing in all seasons.

Lorraine Dostal

- Posted using BlogPress from an iPhone

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