Sunday, April 20, 2014

Not Your Run Of The Mill Pothole

Have mixed feelings about calling in this pothole to 311. Certainly don't want this brick paved street to get any worse and lose more bricks. On the other hand hate to see more asphalt patches. In the short run though better to patch it before more bricks come loose.

Above left Mayne Stage with pothole. You can still read who made this brick. Its harder to read because the name is upside down; Youngstown. O. Block. O is short for Ohio from whence this brick and many a brick road was manufactured.

Right now there are at least three good size potholes at 6900 N Wayne Avenue. Last year crews from Christy Webber did a smashing job repairing the damage from People's Gas. They would be the perfect folks for this job. As opposed to M and J Asphalt Paving who last year helped make brick paved Wayne that much shorter.

Last edited 4/21/14 9:03 am

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