Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mystery Car At The Hillel

Abandoned vehicle, empty beer cans, paper cups, candy wrappers, not a human in sight. No this isn't the set of the Walking Dead. Its a vacant lot and former home to a synagogue.

The sign on the fence reads, "Parking for Hillel at Loyola (organization for Jewish Loyola students) Only Unauthorized cars will be towed at owner's expense." Definition of Hillel - "Hillel (HIL-el; hil-EL) One of the greatest rabbis recorded in the Talmud. His more liberal views of Jewish law are often contrasted with the stricter views of Shammai. Also: a Jewish college student organization under the auspices of B'nai Brith."

At least it has a decent fence and is free of brush. Too bad its not being used much more than a place to collect debris, dust and park the random car.

Please continue reading for more pictures

Blocking driveways is a fun Rogers Park past time


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