Thursday, September 12, 2013

Through A Window Cracked

Five bullets passed through the mixed use building's windows at the Northwest corner of Howard and Greenview. This is just part of the damage done from the shooting early Wednesday morning. One bullet pierced through the laundromat's styrofoam ceiling. Lucky no one was hit. The shots were chest/head range and above and below.

Wild shots ranging from the second to seventh windows (counting from East to West the fourth window was hit as well) of the laundromat and two vacant storefronts to the West of the same building. Probably a drive-by. According to NOH/EastRP Facebook neighbors the windows will be replaced later today. The first three pictures demonstrate the path of the bullet that penetrated the laundromat ceiling.

Needless to say the Lost Eras' window at Greenview and Howard is still cracked. If Occupy Rogers Park or another leftist group had put a sticker on that window with a political statement like "This is going to be fixed later today but when will the justice system?". Well it would look pretty dumb months later with the window still broken. When will the Lost Eras window be fixed? Incidentally the cement foundation in front of the laundromat is in place for where the new clock tower will be installed.

Please continue reading for more pictures

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