Thursday, September 12, 2013

More Gunshots & Bullet Holes @ Greenview and Howard

Chevanston stock image
Police at Clark & Howard

This was posted 20 hours ago so this is from early Wednesday morning. Some in the peanut gallery consider this to be other people's news. But this is news everyone needs to know. Not just Facebookers in a certain club. Could tell something had happened earlier today. More searches came up looking for "Rogers Park shooting" etc.

Shedding more light on a problem helps create a solution. Neighbors discussing them among themselves is useful and Chevanston is happy that East Rogers Park and NOH Neighbors are posting the info. However the community at large also to needs to be aware of the situation. Judging by the number of hits these posts receive not everyone is following East RP & NOH Neighbors.

Facebook is in between public and private. Not everyone has a Facebook account and many are ignorant of the many Facebook clubs. Twitter is much easier place to disseminate information and catch up on news. Simply Twitter search Rogers Park. You can cull through a wide cross section of what is happening in the neighborhood. Its pulse. And if shootings are happening the common man should know. The following excerpts come from the unseen portion of Facebook only visible when you are logged in.

Please continue reading for the Facebook Transcripts

Jenn Peterson
245am, 7 or 8 shots fired, Greenview and Howard. Medium police response--four or five different units--but one has parked in Eddy's lot and seems to be staying a while.

The following was posted just 5 hours ago

Caz Glancy
As a continuation of Jenn Peterson's message earlier. She posted about the gun shots last night. There are 3 bullet holes in the window of the laundry at Greenview/Howard. It is horrible. People live directly above there, just a few feet from the damage. It is so saddening that this happens but mostly because of how easily an innocent person can be harmed by these idiots.

Two replies to this last post

Jenn Peterson
 Three in the laundromat and two more in two storefronts to the west (same building). Windows apparently going to be replaced tomorrow.
5 hours ago via mobile · 1

April Lee Wiencek
 We have bullet holes all in our fence on Greenview. Plus our cars were all shot up. This was a few weeks ago. Ever since the cops chased these bums from Gale campus they are hangin on greenview between howard and jonquil. Its bulls#$%

Neighbors have been discussing the problems concerning this intersection with gangbanging and shots fired. One of the shootings was actually tweeted by a neighbor From Nothing.

The police have been great at watching Howard and Ashland and they can't be everywhere at once. Looks like there should be some extra eyes on Rogers/Howard/Greenview and Greenview North of Howard.


  1. Sheesh, Phil. Is cut and paste from Facebook and post stuff that's for sale on ebay all you can do? How boring.

    Oh, and you say not everyones on FB but then you say how great twitter is. Hey, not everybodys on twitter either.

  2. True Mary.

    But Google searches reach blogs.

    Google searches can't reach what is posted to a Facebook Chat Group.

    Kinda dumb isn't it?

    Uptown Update is for everyone.

    When everyone knows what's up then CHANGE occurs.

    This isn't a secret.

    That's the point.

    Criticism here is welcomed.

    So is news.

    Uptown Update or any other kind of site like that is successful because of tips.

    If you don't like the site. You can start your own or submit tips and news.

  3. You dont need a Twitter Account to do a Twitter Search.

    Another reason why Twitter is great.


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