Friday, August 23, 2013

Mad Newspaper Woman Of Paulina

Click to enlarge

Over the past few weeks a woman of unknown age and race (at least to this writer) has been emptying two to three boxes of Hoy, Red Eye or The Onion of papers. Throwing them all over Paulina at the Howard Bus stop.

She has struck three times this past week. It is creating a headache for the CTA who has had to dispatch a worker specifically to deal with this problem.

(Note this writer discovered speaking to a neighbor that this lady has probably struck other areas nearby. The neighbor picked up ten newspapers worth of paper yesterday on Ashland in between Birchwood and Jarvis.)

Update 8/23/13 2:50 pm - A reader just clicked on Chevanston's previous coverage of this same problem from October last year. How long has this woman been at this?

Please continue reading for more pictures and words
Update 8/24/13 8 am - photo of CTA worker has been modified

Please excuse the dark nature of the photo above. Will lighten it up later with HDR-Picasa. Dark against light usually doesn't come out too clear.

This morning this writer saw him standing with a 30 gallon trash bag completely stuffed with newspaper. There was already another bag or two just like it sitting nearby. His job was almost complete but not done. Probably one more bag to fill

The worker told me that he took pictures because it had to be reported. Didn't ask whether they caught her or charges will be filed. But this situation is untenable. We can't have a mad woman on the loose throwing newspapers everywhere, creating havoc.

That's better. (post crop, HDR twice, tint and infrared film in Picasa)


  1. Is this the best she can do? Wild paper thrower did her thing at Morse in front of Family Dollar today around noon. We cleaned up her mess in minutes.

    Please, lady, this is child's play. If you want attention, run around naked or something. Throwing newspapers around is so Nextblock.

  2. Is it the same lady? We need to post a picture of her so we know who we are dealing with.

  3. Awwww, did Craig get his feelings hurt by getting kicked off Nextdoor? Word spreads, ya know.


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