Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Shooting?

From Nothing tweeted a picture of CPD investigating another shooting at approximately 8 pm. "Shooting in Rogers Park just minutes ago! Gun violence in #Chicago is a result of the racist war on drugs." Are we to believe that if drugs were sold by the Italian mafia then the CPD would look the other way?

Plenty of shooting due other reasons, like jealousy, anger, gang ties, etc, etc. Here is the link to the photo.
Could tell from the painted over wood exterior and the sticker above the zero that it was Rogers just south of Howard. Confirmed by reading Twitter exchange.

There was a shakedown of drug dealers and their pals at the building at Fargo and Ashland (southwest corner) by the fuzz just an hour ago. Legalizing pot would take some of the crime away. But fat chance the other hard stuff ever will.

Ceasefire just held a shooting vigil this evening at the United Church of Rogers Park for the shooting at that very corner two days ago.

(above Google Maps view of Rogers just south of Howard - Picasa HDR)

Please continue reading for more pictures taken today of the scene (8/24/13)


  1. Sometimes the search criteria that people use to hit the blog provides insight to what is "trending".

    Someone was searching "rogers park man shot in stomach". Hopefully no one was hit.

  2. The vigil was wonderful. I could feel the violent energy disappear all around us while we were praying and felt safe bicycling back home. We should legalize pot and grow it organically right here. It would help the environment and save energy. The Hare Krsna people could sell it at the Glenwood Market with incense and we would have more love, less race hatred and crime.


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