Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ten Thousand Ripples In Evanston

This Buddha emerged at Callan & Howard

          Not sure when this Buddha head was deposited onto this stretch of Howard, but it was fairly recent. The voting for the different locations ended February 15th on where the three hundred pound casted concrete Buddha heads would be placed in Evanston. This list is no longer on the internet, making finding the Buddha heads a purely serendipitous experience as it was intended to be. This one sits just outside the future site of the Peckish One, a new city backed microbrewery that will help revitalize Howard. Northwestern will almost surely have a Buddha head. In total there are to be ten different locations throughout Evanston, which is the only suburb that was selected to participate in the project.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Sorry Jeffrey but you got it wrong regarding the artist's intent. Had you spoken to her before you blogged you might have gotten it right. Indira never said or intended to say what you implied she said.


    "Seeing the unexpected, a Buddha head in an unlikely location temporarily changes how that space is perceived charging it with a peaceful presence."

    Indira Johnson

    Perhaps unexpected should have been used to be entirely correct, thank you for bringing this important error to the forefront Patricia.

  3. I have located 4 in Evanston and have 6 more to find,I am making it my duty!!LOL


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