Monday, April 1, 2013

Need Use Inc

           This is no April Fools Day prank, this is a real store front on California just north of Devon in the West Ridge neighborhood. Wholesale Distribution Center it reads in large red letters in the front. It beckons your gaze with the hazy exhalation of smoke from big red lips. (You NEED to USE this product.) This is a fly by night hookah slash head shop. We used to have one on Sheridan right by the Royal Coffee place which didn't last long.

          There is a phone number and an email on the front door. The email is and the phone number is 773-850-8502. Can't tell if this place is going to open or has already closed. Searching the internet gets zip. There is an advertisement for hookahs on the alley side of the building. Shiazo Chicago, hookah innovation, no nicotine or tobacco, wholesale distribution center, with another telephone number and email.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Ya of the northsides longest lasting headshops was the Adam's Apple just a couple or few blocks south of their on Calif.
    It may still be there, very low-key it was. Dont ask me how i know........I jus know.......

    Not sure how long this place will last, pretty low overhead beyond inventory, and with all of the wanna-be bong makers out there easy deals to be had.

    I almost shared a studio with a bong maker once, backed out..... open flames.....oil paint......bongs......yea not smart.

    Never got into glass and cerĂ¡mica much, although Harvey Littleton was the mentor teacher of Chihuly as any fine art glass lover would know.

    The banners on this store are pretty crappy, like it was slapped to gether last minute by a kid strung out on Red Bull.

  2. Driving by there today it is closing. Will take pics of Adams Apple eventually, cool old store.


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