Sunday, March 31, 2013

Participatory Budgeting Project Expo

             What projects will appear on the upcoming Parcipatory Budget ballot for ward 49? Go the the expo to find out. Wednesday April 3rd at 7 pm at the United Church of Rogers Park and Thursday April 4th at Pottawatomie Park will be the two times and places to find out. The final public vote will take place Saturday  April 27th through May 4th. This writer sincerely hopes that fixing the brick paved street of Wayne Ave makes it on to the ballot.

             The unfortunate thing about these notices is that most of them end up on the ground by the wind blowing them off of the door and gates they are stuck to with the same flimsy masking tape year after year. This particular notice was only hanging on by two pieces of tape and in order to take a photo one had to be taped back into place. Numerous copies of this notice were picked up off the ground. This is another link to Wayne Ave's beautiful brick paved street and its current plight as described by a local neighbor on Everyblock.

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