Monday, August 3, 2015

The Day After The Storm

An unusually bright cheery day after the hail storm that crunched cars, toppled street lights, strong enough to blow over bus shelters and knocked out power to thousands. You start looking at trees different after so many split open, fell apart or ripped free from the ground. Why didn't those leaning trees fall over? Were those trees leaning like that before?  The endlessly useful Google maps street view answers that question. Yeah they were and the trees that didn't make it looked sturdy enough..

Cherry pickers with chainsaws and linesmen from Com Ed were all over Rogers Park today. The poor silver Nissan that got squashed at Ashland and Greenleaf was photographed by everyone. Rahm stopped by to talk to those affected by the storm, assess the damage, and take pictures with the public.

Apparently the mayor has a professional picture taker that will fulfill that need to have your countenance next to Rahmbo's. Yeah he's short. But he has charisma and that you don't want fu$k with me that radiates from his small frame.  Flanked by his security detail he walked toward Heartland Cafe where a Channel 2 news van waited to interview the mayor and do their report.

Please continue reading for more pictures

- Posted using BlogPress from an iPhone

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