Tuesday, August 4, 2015

1313 w Morse - Rogers Plaza Demolition

Slant of wind on Sunday didn't impede progress on J. Pritzkers' construction site at Morse and Wayne come Monday. This former drive in emporium is doomed. It served as a repository for valet cars for the past few months. Earlier this spring a couple guys tried to repair their car in the parking lot. The authorities came by and then a couple of big puffs of smoke and they were gone.

Fresh water is being siphoned off from the corner hydrant to prevent explosions and fire. A chain link fence was erected on the north end of the property for safety. Reminding this writer of the mini-mall on California and Armitage. Strip malls are a poor use of urban land. They can look and function better than the typical Rogers Plaza type. They could even have two stories.

When 1313 w Morse is finished it will be two stories taller than the Wayne Senior building seen above. J. Pritzker didn't waste anytime getting started. Just over a month since the Mayne Stage conclave.

Please continue reading for more pictures

walking under the hydrant line

brick paved Wayne

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