Friday, July 24, 2015

Unnamed Park On Ashland

Dubkin Park lost its signage recently. Strange little park feels like a living room. It can be a mini dog park, a place for early morning drinkers, quiet meditative retreat or the local garden club depending on what time of day you walk by.

The triangle shaped park is bounded by Ashland, 7400 N Marshfield & its alley and the "L". Leonard Dubkin wrote about urban nature. His columns and essays were collected into the tome The Natural History Of A Yard.

His park looks like an apropos spot to read about and observe urban nature. Michael Bryson agrees. If your looking for summer reading ideas how about learning more about the great outdoors of Chicago?

Maybe the city is fixing to put a new sign? This writer will check with the alderman's office come Monday.

Last edited 7-25-15 6:53 pm

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