Saturday, July 25, 2015

Pulling Up Stakes On Morse

Nothing officially released yet regarding the historical society's move besides the moving sale notice on their storefront. Half price on all regularly stocked items! Mugs, totes, books, t-shirts, images, and note cards.

So far this has been the most eye catching storefront for the RPWRHS (est 1975 - now celebrating its fortieth anniversary). Next activity in Rogers Park proper is a guided walking tour August 23rd during the Glenwood Arts Festival. September 13th will feature their 29th historic house tour (location and time to be announced).

Does this mean the landlord has a new tenant lined up for Morse and Greenview? And where will the society be moving? And will they be able to take their etched glass with?

Please continue reading for more pictures  

- Posted using BlogPress from an iPhone

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