Monday, June 8, 2015

Ashland Alley Short Cut

Make way for the Google Maps car! Last year the Google Maps car got bored of driving on the same surface streets and decided to take the path less travelled. Consequently we can see the new fence at the corner of Willye B White in action.

Drug dealing per neighbors on Everyblock is rampant at Jonquil and Ashland. Recess was cancelled and then reinstated at Gale Elementary because of a deadly daytime shooting (building straight behind the cut through).

Making the fence whole would go a long way in making the area safer. Either that or make this an official path. A dirt path through an incomplete fence into an alley is not a safe way for children to make their way to and from school. It is a minor improvement; its not a hole in a chainlink fence.

The replacement fence was an item up for bid on the last particpatory budget in 2014. It didn't win funds but got built anyways.

Its cool that people want to hangout in the alley. Whats not cool is that people are dealing drugs in the alley by Gale Elementary and at the nearby corner of Jonquil and Ashland. Lets close off this dangerous cut through. Children will get extra exercise walking around the block the old fashioned way and its one less place for drug dealers and gangbangers to hide and escape.

If you haven't taken a virtual trip down the 7600 N block of Ashland (alley) click here and give it a whirl.

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