Sunday, August 3, 2014

Willye B White's Dangerous Corner

not a safe place for football practice

If you are ever out taking a stroll down Howard looking for a park bench to sit down and read the newspaper or book, write a blog post, tweet, talk on your phone, etc, whatever you do don't wander into the far reaches of Willye B. White. In other words the northeast corner; the danger zone.

Walking this morning for coffee at Sol Cafe passerby couldn't help but notice the four person argument going on at 10:45 am where the park meets the alley. The people in the photo are way way in the background. It would be extremely foolish to walk any closer to the angry quartet.

The alley just west of Bosworth serves to connect Howard to North of Howard as Ashland once did. On Google Maps the alley is actually labeled N Ashland Ave. Invariably someone is either guarding this short cut or drinking, loitering and fights.

One solution is to replace the remnants of the chainlink fence with a sold iron fence. In fact a proposal for this project was put on the Ward 49 Participatory Budget ballot earlier this year. (Click on the link for close up view of the treacherous cut through.)

Too bad the proposal didn't get enough votes. Something this important to public safety shouldn't be voted on. It just needs to get done. No way it could have won. Too local an issue affecting only NOH neighbors.

Sidenote; at the park's south east corner it looks like a hungry monster took a bite out of the baseball bench.

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