Sunday, August 31, 2014

Whatever Happened To Ye Olde Sandwich Board?

Instead of a human being Dunkin' Donuts (chain known for donuts and coffee - short descriptor from Google Maps) has a pole hold its sign up. Poles are way cheaper. They don't complain about low wages, or loaf on the job. They sit still day in and day out without protest with all sorts of things stuck on them. This advertisement was designed more for the auto than pedestrians.

Traditional sandwich boards are folksy. Its positive loitering. Its giving someone a job who otherwise wouldn't. Its the right thing to do. Putting up a giant poster board up like this is not only illegal its an eyesore.

The modern sandwich board is more commonly used when someone is going out of business. Stores with more tact use a small chalkboard for day to day specials. Handwritten signs updated daily or weekly add interest to our main streets. We don't live in a giant commercial. If Dunkin' Donuts insists on posting these giant ads they should at least pay for the privilege.

After awhile these giant obnoxious bills become so commonplace that they just fade into the background. The poster isn't even in front of their store. Dunkin' Donuts also contributes to traffic throughout the United States with their overflowing drive thrus. The 6250 N Clark Street store has been better at curbing the overflow this past year.

(Sol Cafe's chalkboards are educational to boot.)

Last updated 8/31/14 8:10 pm

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