Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Santa Heads Back To North Pole

Yesterday Santa figured it was high time he stopped touring Chicago spreading cheer and holiday spirit and get back to work. A little after 7 pm Central Standard Time last night he got on the two car Skokie Swift edition of the Holiday Train and left Rogers Park. Awaiting him at the end of the line at Dempster was his sleigh and twelve reindeer. Around 8 pm he and his elves took off into the night; making it back to the North Pole sometime before midnight.

CTA riders got one last chance to take pictures with the centuries old mystery man and to put in last minute requests. Everyone has a slightly different description and experience with Santa. No two people have ever seen the same Santa Claus who appears all over the world seemingly at the same time. Quite a mean feat to pull off all these years. Who is Santa Claus? We'll probably never know.

Please continue reading for more pictures

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