Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Farcroft's New Facade

It is now obvious what work was recently completed at 1337 w Fargo. Behold the new copper work outside the Farcroft's penthouse. The scaffolding went up for the second time in the past year sometime in early October or late September. The first time scaffolding went up was documented here on Chevanston in 2012.

DNAinfo.com recently explored the mysterious architect and origin of the Farcroft. What Jennifer Pritzker did for the neighborhood and the city by restoring this unique building was a public service. These kinds of old buildings are part of Chicago's heritage and are what set it apart from the crowd.

"Tawani had just finished restoring the Farcroft's copper mansard roof, which will become coated in a green patina, like the Statue of Liberty, within the next five years."

Please continue reading for more pictures 

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