Friday, November 8, 2013

Through A Window Cracked Part 2 - Bullet Window

An anonymous source sent these photos into Chevanston of the cracked window at Howard and Greenview. Very cool neon sign advertising antiques and gold. Too bad its marred by broken glass. There is actually broken glass on the floor just below.

This is a bullet window. Someone shot at it and its over a year old. Is Howard Street really turning the corner when a long standing good guy business like Lost Eras can't manage to replace their bullet window? Calls to the alderman's office have been met with disinterest. Several messages have been left with Michael Land. The Aldermans office told this writer to tell the business to fix their window. Is that really the job of the average citizen?

When will the bullet window of Howard Street be replaced? And why is the neon sign only turned on during the day?

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Why don't you stop obsessing over micro-bullshit? Who fucking cares about this fucking bullet window? You've dedicated paragraphs and pages of endless fucking ranting and raving about one fucking window in a shitty neighborhood that belongs to a fucking business that doesn't know how to do business. Lost Eras is a piece of shit run by a hoarder who doesn't actually like to sell anything. Ever tried to buy something from her? She'll try and talk ya out of it. She probably made the bullet hole her pet and named it. She'll never get rid of it. Beware, dude, or she'll keep you in there forever next time you go snooping around with your camera.

  2. The DSM says that this disorder can be treated. Don't give up hope.


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