Thursday, November 7, 2013

In Receivership

The building at the southwest corner of Fargo and Ashland had an event filled summer. Five minute friends would call on the place at all hours of the day. Looking up and hollering to be let in. Police were dispatched numerous times for drug dealing, gang activity and public drinking. Condoms have been regularly found on the grounds. Neighbors are in agreement that this is one of the major problem buildings of the Jargowood area.

Currently there is a broken window on third floor at the corner. Word on the street is that this apartment building is in receivership. You can see from the following photos how close to the "L" it is. The building has been ringed with No Trespassing signs in attempts to keep the bad guys away. Management has done their best to keep things safe but has had little to no support from the absentee landlord. There is no property management sign or contract on the building. It has been called into 311 numerous times to no avail. Hopefully this property lands into responsible hands soon.

Please continue reading for more pictures

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