Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Last Purple Fire Hydrant?

In the wake of the great Evanston fire hydrant repainting (earlier this week) it was noted that there is perhaps only one purple hydrant left. Evanston Now chronicled the brouhaha in the city council over the decision to paint fire hydrants with Northwestern's colors (to help promote the college's football program).

Why not “expand that effort, to ‘purple-ize’ our fire hydrants,” said Grover, whose ward includes a portion of the university.

Purple is a great color but it isn't as bright as red. And consequently not the best color for a hydrant. This last hydrant should be left alone as a testament to purple fever. Here is the city of Evanston memo regarding the painting of the Howard Street hydrants purple back in August 2011. Now all those purple hydrants on Howard are red save the one above left.(Above right, example of purple hydrant now red.) This Chevanston article discussed hydrant vandalism showcasing one of the formerly purple hydrants by the 415 high rise.

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