Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bricked Paved Glenwood From Estes To Greenleaf

Glenwood & Estes 10/31/13

We know that the brick paved stretch of Glenwood from Lunt to Morse and Morse to Farwell will be restored with Ward 49 participatory budget money.

But what about this stretch of Glenwood Avenue? And Wayne Avenue's brick paved stretch from Morse to Farwell continues to die a death of a thousand patches.

Concord Place in Bucktown was brick paved and it was in decent shape. It bit the dust this past May.

Several suburbs have many brick paved streets. Downers Grove, Wilmette, Forest Park.

According to the 2013 article it costs 2.5 times more to brick pave a street. The Chicago Tribune story from 2006 quoted a contractor 1.5 to 2 times for brick over regular paving.

Studying Google Maps this brick paved street is broken up by two decent size splotches of asphalt. Still this stretch of road is more brick than black top. Narrow Glenwood and the murals look and sound so much better brick paved. Hopefully it stays that way.

Last edited 10/31/13 7:34 pm

Please continue reading for more pictures

1 comment:

  1. Good shots, brother.

    Now if we get those new brick paved streets who's to say we don't get them all tagged up by the other brothers with other mothers? We got litter everywhere, man. Streets are all torn up to shreds. Doesn't seem too responsible to be spending all sorts of dough on bricks when we got litter to clean up and tagging to be washed off not to mention the streets that aren't even getting paved.


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