Friday, August 30, 2013

Update On Formerly Gang Tagged House

Most of the boarded up windows have been uncovered. The side yard is now secured with a handsome black iron fence. Building permit posted on second floor front window. Sand sits in a low, wide dumpster out front for concrete or future tuckpointing.

Evidence of past neglect still lingers. Small plants growing in the gutter. Graffiti on the south side of the house. The side entrance continues to be inaccessible. A damaged antique door has not been fixed or replaced yet.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

This is how the house looked when the plywood was gang tagged. And here are pictures after it was painted white. After the housing market crashed many vacant houses have been causing headaches throughout Chicago.

Squatters, blocked driveways, graffiti, looting, litter and sometimes fire damage. Some have been demolished  on orders by mayor Rahm Emmanuel. Thankfully this house is being fixed up and there will be a happy ending.

A month or so previous lots of debris and trash was thrown out in a large blue dumpster. The corner and block has a cheerier atmosphere. The specter of decay and decline is disappearing.

Here is the link to the article on this house.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that the signs of decline and decay are now disappearing. The property deserves to be preserved.


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