Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Prodigal Monk A Bust?

              The word on the street is that the burger bar on Jarvis is a no go. Benjamin Woodard wrote this article regarding Prodigal Monk @ 1547 w Jarvis Avenue (across the street from V-tone) this past November. Renovation work was completed on the interior of the commercial space February and March 2013, but all activity has since come to a screeching halt. The burger bar was supposed to open this past April, but now it looks like it will be added to the long list of names and places that this storefront was supposed to be but never was. The one thing that is new is that V-Tone (the family who owns 1547 w Jarvis also owns the V-Tone building) is now selling and fixing bicycles. For Chevanston's article on Prodigal Monk please click here.

For more pictures please continue reading

1547 w Jarvis this past Feb.

Tile work being done this past Feb. 

1 comment:

  1. I know an artist who tried to rent that out a while back for a studio/gallery. No such luck.


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