Sunday, April 21, 2013

Former Lerner Site Is Looking Outta Sight!

        Yesterday was Earth Day and the official Ward 49 clean up day. This site is now completely devoid of trash, litter and debris. Amazing! That is one impressive pile of rubbish, representing how much trash had accumulated there. Hopefully the gate can be repaired? Actually it would be better if the lot had no fences like the Chicago and Main parcel in Evanston. It would be easier to keep clean for one and no one could get trapped in there. This accomplishment was noticed yesterday, but camera was out of juice. Please click here to see how bad it looked previously. Most of the brush was cut back as well. Looking good!

Please continue reading for more pictures.


  1. If they were really a front/fake business they probably never accepted clothes. Made some excuse for why they couldn't take them.

  2. I celebrated earth day by recycling an old soda bottle I converted into a bong in my crazier years. Was time ta let it go.

  3. Good job Stanley. Every little bit helps.


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