Sunday, April 28, 2013

Columbia & Ashland Update (Abandoned House)



    The abandoned house's plywood once covered with gang graffiti is now painted white. The stop sign still had Latin King graffiti so this writer took ten minutes to remove the stickers and black spray paint. To see 6720 N Ashland before click here. The stop sign is of a newer inferior modern design, where the red paint smudges off with goof off, which can be fixed with red oil paint. There is still some tagging on the side of the house. Hopefully this house is bought by someone with deep pockets or some real estate investor like "Flip This House" on A & E.

4/28/13 9:30 pm - just added in the lower left corner how the stop sign looked before.

4/30/13 noon - followup - Thanks for the coverage Mr Woodard!

4/30/13 12:30 pm - Apologies to South of Pratt poster - this writer thought it was too fantastic to believe that anyone associated with fancy pants Alinea owned that house. And that is the comment that was deleted by blog administrator on original article. 

Please continue reading for more pictures

1 comment:

  1. Its good you help to keep the neighborhood nice. Most people don't care. I been gone back home but can read this again. Lots of nice things.


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