Saturday, January 19, 2013

Video Adventure RIP 1980 - 2012


           AMLI rises above the now obsolete and shuttered Video Adventure killed by the internet. Too bad they have to cover up the green. Its striking and different. The sticker brick they are putting up is very bland.

         Chronicle (hit the street May 15th 2012) and Silent House ( July 24th) movie posters sit sadly in the window, their advertising lives continue on past usefulness. Video Adventure promoted itself as  "Evanston's own" since 1980. It boasted 10,000 titles, free reservations, inspired selection and personal service. All of these claims seem ludicrous when you can just rent a movie from a machine outside a 7-Eleven or a CVS pharmacy, view on demand at home or download free off of bit torrent. Even the DVD dispensing machines will disappear because its just not fun to return videos.

            Just like video arcades were exciting so were video stores. Often times that was what you did on a Friday night in high school. It was fun to see everyone else out checking out what movies to get and catching up. This writer's all time favorite video store was Center Video in downtown Lake Bluff. Where else could you  discuss movies with knowledgeable connoisseurs and the general public? That is what the kids today will miss out on. Video stores are dying a fast death, but there are still  some small niche markets they fill, like the ethnic, overseas films, and strange quirky film places.  What is sad to this writer is that people were once paid to hang out around movies, their paraphernalia  and more importantly talk about movies. Could you ask for a better low wage job for a young adult? Quentin Tarantino is a great example of someone who's love and knowledge of movies was fostered by working in a video store. We knew and Hollywood knew the writing was on the wall.  And Be Kind Rewind in 2005 was made before the great video store die off. A great tutorial for future generations who would otherwise be ignorant.

The hours posted are Monday through Thursday 10-10, Friday 10-10, Saturday 10-10, Sunday 12-9

Wanderlust (June 19th), Get the Gringo (July 17th), 21 Jump Street ( June 26th) adorn this side (fitting to have a remake of a popular eighties TV show as one of the last movie posters). Release to DVD dates in parentheses. Here is probably the last picture of the video store when it was open.

There is also a dark side to video stores
Most Independent video stores  had a back room for pornos.
 An internet search shows a case against a jesuit
 priest from Europe who molested young children
and rented several pornos from here.


Continue reading to see more pictures.

Once a new, novel convenience becomes a mystery
"What's that?" ask people from the future


Sonny, in my day people used to steal movies,
 physical items called DVDs and they
had metal detectors......

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