Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ok, Three Bloggers Are Sitting On A Park Bench......

Unknown Provenance

Natas (mystery man)




           Sounds like the setup for a good joke. Well not all of them are bloggers, Lorainne Swenson writes for the News-Star, which does have a Facebook page (a modern necessity). Nice to see that Cota is labeled too. Doing research into the many semiactive or now defunct blogs of Rogers Park is not for the faint of heart. This picture was found on a blog that is soley dedicated to the ridicule and defamation of our best and longest running blogger Mr. Broken Heart. This blog was founded at the time when the Broken Heart itself went through its dark political phase. Politics is dirty though, it was still an interesting site to follow during that time.

The title of the blog is....

When Morse Hellhole says.....Here's what it means

which has to be seen to be believed.  If you are curious enough you can google it. Mainly its just swearing, cussing and name calling.

            The author goes so far as to put hateful statements into the Labels section. A few are funny, like supporter of male prostitution. One of the darkest comments sections ever witnessed on a blog. There is one persistent commenter named Rogers that is very angry with the blogmaster Natas. Thankfully this blog didn't last too long, There is actually some information to be gleaned from reading this site like regarding the previous Alderman David Orr whom Natas blames for the glut of section 8 housing in Rogers Park. Most of the posts have no title and the structure of them is very primitive. This was 2008/2007, when just about everyone had a blog. Natas' previous icons were the man from Abu Gharab (with the hood) being electrocuted  and  Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Wow then there is the blog Ask The Half Jap which lasted two months in 2009.
Ask The Half Jap Blog- consisted of 3 posts.


  1. Oh, the memories. We had about 40 blogs at that time and 1/3 were mainly to give me the business, if you know what I mean. My personal favorite was Rogers Park Cheetos blog.

    Natas, by the way, is Tom Westgard. Evil SOB if I ever met one. He took this photo of us. Notice Cota is leashed up?

  2. Yes, Cota is leashed up.

    Yes Rogers Park Cheetos blog was good. I suppose this is "reblogging" but I think its okay to do that in moderation.

    Im not sure what phase we are in blogging now, I guess just very specialized niche blogging, with Ultra Local Geography and How to Build a Substation.

    General topic blogging is still important though like RP in 1000 words, Broken Heart etc.

  3. Gentlemen you are in the surveillance stage at the moment. We monitor you. That's why you have no real readers or get any comments any more. Even Tom works for us now. Keep it up boys. We are having fun reading your stuff.

  4. Gentlemen you are in the surveillance stage at the moment. We monitor you. That's why you have no real readers or get any comments any more. Even Tom works for us now. Keep it up boys. We are having fun reading your stuff.


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