Monday, January 7, 2013

Overflowing Trash Cans Of Jarvis Square.

           No project goes absolutely perfectly. In this case the redo of Jarvis L stop went as well as could be expected. The Jarvis L stop trash can was not put back to its proper place by the entrance however and now sits awkwardly out by itself by the four plus one. It has had overflowing trash for awhile and was recently tagged. This writer took it upon himself to use some goof off to quickly rid it of the graffiti and took as much of the overflowing trash as possible into a trash bag & dumped it into a nearby dumpster. The excess garbage has also blown over into the front yard of the four plus one. These pictures were taken 1/6/13.

            My search for a place to get rid of this excess garbage revealed many other trash cans with their contents spilling everywhere, onto the sidewalk and street below. Which really shouldn't be shocking to anyone as this is simply the status quo. Why bother with trash cans if we can't properly empty them in a timely fashion? They simply become magnets for trash. Entities both public and private are failing to manage the trash.

The poor little trash can by the Lams Apartments on Greenview right by Charmers.

D. Thoreau's Legacy lives on?


  1. I did pick up the trash at the northwest corner of Birchwood and Greenview continues to be an amazing dumping ground for trash.

    The building is getting fixed up, but the parkway continues to be the worst in a five block radius.

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  5. Deleted Spam

    "Land Source Container Service Inc. said...
    Great article! I'll be in contact.

    -Land Source Container Service, Inc.
    City Container Services"

    City Container Services at the end had a link to god knows where. The tip off is its too generic a response, too generic a name and it contains a link to something which we have no idea to where it leads. Most likely something bad.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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