Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Exit Sign Has Been Brought To You By......

              This is located on the west side of the Gateway Mall catwalk which traverses the large bus depot. A representation of the unblighted beauty of the city causing a blight upon the city. Is that what we are supposed to get from this?  If this artist is to be true to him/herself then the artwork itself which is an el underpass should have blight such as the sticker itself upon the underpass itself until it disappears into infinity. (And this should've been placed on the el underpass)


  1. No one cares about stickers but you.

  2. Have you contacted Jordan to let him know his sticker is there? Have you asked him/her to remove it? Or are you just gonna bitch and moan on here and then congratulate yourself when you remove the sticker?

    As poster #1 says: no one cares about stickers but you!

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  5. @ anons, how dare anyone take umbrage with sticker blight? It should be simply accepted as life in the city of today.

    Hey its not up to me to police the world, how you about contact him anons?.

    Self congratulation? I will leave that to those who sit idly by while their stickers are posted all over by vandals and then claim innocence. This will be dealt with, no backslapping necessary, its just what is supposed to be done,nothing more and nothing less.

    I also like the constant bitch and moans argument the other way to live life is to simply be apathetic
    and uncaring, big whoop who cares? Is that more interesting or admirable?

    No thank buttons on this website, if people thank me in real life thats always nice but its really about taking care of business.

  6. Aaargh. The Anons are cowards and bilge scum. Human slime on the high seas. They defile our port and sail off in cowardice. Lash them on the mast and toss them overboard for shark chum. Har, har, har.

  7. Aaargh. Jorden Thatcher of Columbia College is a Miserable Little Pile of S***s and a coward by his/her own admission who does lame photography. Walk the plank har, har, har.

  8. How do you know that "nobody cares about stickers"?
    A lot of people are annoyed by stickers.
    I have seen stickers around Rp and all of the city for some ugly, stupid rap music guy called "Swagga", it's like he studied the most ignorant people in all of history and adopted the worst traits in his music and his ugly photo on his ugly stickers. Even in the worst genre of "music" that the modern world has ever known, local rap is the crappiest of rap.
    Remember James Brown? Earth Wind and Fire?Charles Mingus? Scott Joplin? Hell, Newcleus? Anybody? There's more than one way to be "black" you know.
    I wish that people would abandon the ugly, hateful, toxic rap culture. It's devolved into the most base of desires, all id, there's no message or subtlety to it anymore.
    Some of these assbites spend a lot of money on posters that they put up around town, and I hope they know I'm the guy who tears them down.

  9. @DUI
    yes I have seen the Swagga stickers
    I dont post pictures of him here because I dont want to give him any extra attention. That guy is a horrible rapper, his videos are on youtube. One video was actually shot in Round the Clock Liquors on Howard.

    It it was a fif Id be drunk by now,
    songs about drinking and drug dealing.

    Glad to hear you are taking them down DUI, I take down whatever I can as well.

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