Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Broken Heart is Eight this week,

Dont cry Mr. Heart it will be okay.....

               This week the Broken Heart of Rogers Park turned eight years old. This blogger started following it a year after its debut. Before the advent of Everyblock it was the only place that neighbors had to discuss neighborhood events. For a long time the comments section was the only place available for discussing important issues and getting to know the neighbors.Without the Broken Heart it would've taken Rogers Park a lot longer to make the strides it has made to become the more interesting and safe neighborhood it is today. This blogger is very happy  to have the Broken Heart back up and running. Rogers Park and Morse are no longer broken-hearted and they aren't even hellholes, but it sure was for a long time. Only by pointing out problems can solutions arise and Craig Gernhardt accomplished that and more with his site. Ofcourse the blog wasn't responsible for single-handedly turning around Morse, but it was a very important factor. Its great to have the site back (the sabbatical lasted from winter 2011 - fall 2012) as an alternative to the new mainstream message board of Rogers Park (Everyblock).


Dear Craig , here's hoping that your blog reaches 100!


  1. Gee, Jeff-O, thanks. How about a birthday cake with that cool logo on top? I miss that little fellow.

  2. Okay I think I can scrounge around for a cake. Yeah I miss that little feller too. I miss the stuffed animal little heart guy too.

  3. You must be talking about Mister Happy Heart.

  4. That was some endorsement.....
    The Happy Heart thought you were a bad seed. Wow that was awhile ago, funny to see that picture now.


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