Sunday, May 10, 2015

Smack Dab!

In-between Pub 626 and the Glenwood at 6956 N Glenwood a little commuter coffee shop is opening tomorrow. Finally those headed downtown jonesing for caffeine and late for work will be able to nab their morning energy boost. Chicago Honey Co-op tweeted the big news a couple days ago.

Common Cup is a great place for community events, reading the paper, doing your homework, and ordering caffeinated concoctions. It's also a little too far for some.

Smack dab will serve Halfwit Coffee, zucchini bread, sour cream coffee cake with handmade strawberry jam, and penny doodle cookies. For now opening at 7:30 am and closing at 11:30 am. If business is brisk they may open a half hour earlier.

This is a no-nonsense grab and go shop. No place to sit and no cappuccinos and lattes to slow down the flow. Get in get out and make your train.

Please continue reading for more pictures

- Posted using BlogPress from an iPhone

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