Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Northshore And Clark - Morning After Latest Shooting In Rogers Park

Sometime after midnight (early this morning) a white car pulls up to the stoplight. Two older men one drinking a beer come up to talk to the car full of young men. Both men exchange handshakes and fist bumps. One of the men, the one drinking is especially fired up about something.

Yesterday after 10 pm a car drove by and shot someone in their foot.

This corner of Rogers Park is definitely one to watch out for. Its an active corner that has had more than its fair share of gunplay. If you haven't already continue reading at Everyblock and add to the discussion. According to one poster there is also gang graffiti in the alley.

Its one thing to talk about gang graffiti. But when you drive by and see it.... Pretty shocking. When stuff like this is up  the neighborhood really is the pits.

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