Saturday, May 23, 2015

Crash @ The Peckish Pig?

No mention of anything on Evanston Now. A still functioning parking meter (how quaint) was knocked over by some unknown force which also caused a section of the bar to be boarded up. The outdoor patio outback is ready for the Memorial Day crowd. That is if this beautiful weather holds up.

Craft beer week was celebrated this past Thursday night at the pig. Peckish Pig has their own version of the no bullshit special (remember Bullhead Cantina?). A burger, beer and shot of buck bourbon for fifteen bucks. This is probably in the response to the us people them people rant last September. So us and them people can now afford a burger and a beer on Howard Street.

Update - 5/23/15 5:55 pm - Peckish Pig tweets - "@Chevanston Yep. Unfortunately, despite the DUI checkpoint on Howard Street last night, this drunk driver got through (our windows) at 3 am."

- Posted using BlogPress from an iPhone

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