Monday, March 9, 2015

We already got somebody doing that

(7416-26 N Ashland post garbage pickup)

The unholy harvest (aka the sins of our recent past) has begun. Snowfall way above average for February and the bitter cold of early March has resulted in record accumulation of debris. The conapt at the southwest corner of Fargo and Ashland has its fair share of troubles. One of them isn't a janitor.

Most people will grudgingly or gladly thank you for picking up refuse or indifference. For the new alpha male gang member or drug runner its a threat.

Man is his thirties with red hat and sunglasses (like an evil Fab 5 Freddy) cocks his head across the street. He sees litter being picked up on his new turf.

You live in that building over there? No.

You don't need to pick up that trash over here we already got somebody for that. Ok.

Crossing the street to run an errand on Jarvis, have a good day sir. Silence and blank stare. He stands in the same place on the sidewalk as passerby passes by. Not moving for minutes.

It appears that the new pain in the ass this year is sizing up the situation. Last year a couple of crack cocaine prostitutes and their entourage took over Fargo and Ashland. The bad guys don't like a well kept pad. Bad for business. Should be an interesting spring and summer at the viaduct.

- Posted using BlogPress from an iPhone (last edited 3/12/15 7:57 pm)

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