Saturday, January 3, 2015

Illegal Advertising @ Gateway Mall

The telephone pole at Gateway Mall earlier today. Now the signs are where they belong, the trash. Some shyster decided this was a great place to post flyers hawking bankruptcy and mortgage services.

Scary to think that anyone would be desperate enough to jot down these phone numbers behind the Ethiopian Diamond across from the new BK.

When places are too corporate, filled with mostly large chains, and the owners are a board, a REIT, essentially a bunch of executives and stock holders (theoretical people who possess land but not a landlord in the old fashioned sense) this is what happens. No pride.

No oversight by anyone who really has a stake in whats going on. Well except just the bottom line. As long as the money comes in, well who cares if some unscrupulous con men come by and put up unauthorized promotions?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Geet Choudhary said...
    Malls are the finest locations where the best of outdoor advertising tools and techniques can be deployed.

    (Note Thanks for comment Mr Choudhary, please note that malls and outdoor advertising tools are linked to unknown site, please refrain from doing that in future comments)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Ashok Garhwal said...
    Grow your advertisement business in PUNE by listing it at MyHoardings


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