Tuesday, November 18, 2014

So You Wanna Be An Artist?

You will either be filthy rich or a starving artist. Which will it be?

Is there a budding Van Gogh, Picasso, Basquiat, or Francis Bacon living in Rogers Park? Of course not. There might be an unknown artist living in our midst however. This show would give this mystery person the opportunity to hang their masterpiece in a public gallery.

Or their early work before the masterpiece. What higher achievement then great art? Creating something beautiful and magnificent that never would have existed otherwise? The presence or absence of great artists would have a far greater impact on our history than anything else. Well, at least in this writer's opinion. Only way to tell is to study the many parallel Earths or conduct unethical time travel experiments.

Roman Susan's Annex on Howard Street is opening its doors November 22nd from 12-5 to improve your drawing skills and to post your best stuff. Who knows maybe the Rogers Park, Chicago of today will rival Impressionist Paris?

Last Edited 11/18/14 5:15 pm 

Please continue reading for more pictures

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