Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sherwin Chase Neighbors Meet Up

Holsman House in its final days

The Touhy Park Advisory Council, Sherwin Chase Neighbors, (been around since at least 1996) and surrounding  community will meet on Monday, November,10th 7:00pm at Touhy Park 7348 N Paulina. 773-262-6737.

This is our last meeting of the year, I will give a short report on what has happened so far this year.I really need your help for next year, what events would you like to see at the park, I need ideas and input from all of you.We have a great Supervisor & Rec leader that go the extra mile, BUT we
need your help.

We will discuss safety concerns and crime in our area, especially with the Holidays coming up, I'll give some tips on how to stay safe.Please come to the meeting to report any Bad Buildings, Gang Activity, Drug Dealing, or any other illegal activity in our area.I will submit your reports to the
24th District Police Commander.  THANK YOU.

Tony Iniquez,
Sherwin Chase Neighbors

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