Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"It's A Heavily Trafficked Area"

To passerby trying to help clean up 7405 -7411 N Ashland's parkway; their dumpster behind a locked gate doesn't help. Placing one dumpster in the little alcove by the "L" would cut down on littering. People would be able to throw this stuff out easier (like building management) and people would be less likely to litter because there would be a place to put it. Yes they might get a little fly dumping. That's price you pay taking care of a large apartment building in the city.

We know the area sees a high volume of pedestrian traffic because of the "L" stop. Most "L" adjacent areas still somehow manage to get the rubbish and refuse picked up. Cagan Management has done a poor job of keeping this parkway free of debris. They have improved lately, but its still bad. Does anyone really look at whats going on here? There has to be some supervision by either the head of the management company or the landlord. By default its up to the common citizen to let MGMT know if they aren't getting the job done.

Speaking to Cagan mgmt (3856 Oakton St, Skokie, IL 60076 (847) 679-5512) on the phone and in person has not solved the problem. Ward 49 office is aware. Cagan let this writer know why the parkway looks as it does. (Title of blog post) Excuses don't help. And really its pretty intuitive why the garbage is there. No explanation needed.

For some reason people really like to drink six packs or more of beer, have dinner in their car and then throw everything into 7405-7411 N Ashland's parkway garden and under the viaduct.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

Walking around the corner to V-tone and to the "L" the trash situation has improved but persists. Litter has accumulated throughout the summer. Beer bottles, pop cans, wrappers, fast food containers, plastic bottles and loose paper sit day after day gathering around the Jarvis Ave trees.

V-tone wants no part in helping take care of its parkway. In fact V-tone denies its existence. Their side yard is littered with various debris. Strange that an exercise workout place takes such little interest in using their muscles to spiff the place up. Even weirder right now because there is a huge dumpster right outside their place.

In the modern world most commercial businesses don't take enough interest in their block to keep it looking nice. That's someone else's job. Right now its no one's job. There is no SSA for Jarvis west of the "L". 

In the past this writer picked up this area by V-tone and 7405-7411 N Ashland. Now it will be more interesting to watch the litter pile up. What needs to happen is for the owners of the buildings to care enough about the area to help out, acknowledge when people pitch in to help them and respond positively to questions about why litter isn't being picked up. Perhaps by trying to fix the problem instead of giving excuses. Or they could just get up off their duff and just pick it up.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that a dumpsters or dustbins would give an alternative to people, and allow them to dispose beer cans and wrappers in it. Still, we need to learn to carry garbage with us until we find a dustbin. It’s for our betterment.


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