Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shots Fired 1600 Block West Fargo

8-16-14 8:05 pm

The late humid summer days peace was disturbed by three shots yesterday. Evidence (grey mechanical box with wheels) of the shooting has since been towed or driven away. The car had been hit in its left rear tire and in the quarter panel above.

After the shots fired one African American male with white tank top and one African American female with salmon shorts ran eastbound on Fargo toward Ashland. Other neighbors saw a car peel out and head westbound.

Right after the shooting neighbors came out on their balconies or down to the sidewalk to talk with each other and police. Some people were just getting home from work or from a walk around the neighborhood.

One neighbor mentioned how they had lived here since 2006 and this was the first shooting they had seen. A photographer with a tripod set up on the street to take pictures of the crime scene.

Please continue reading for more pictures and a closer look

on closer inspection you can see the
bullet hole under the cops left hand and the flat tire

Was it a drug deal gone bad? Bad blood between old friends? Gang rivals talking to smack to each other? We'll probably never know. Sometimes people run into to each other that don't even live in the neighborhood.

Maybe someone was visiting someone else etcetera, etcetera. People sometimes park their cars and hang on the block and then other people come visit via bus or the "L". Who knows. Hopefully it wasn't someone living right here.

Things have quieted down at Fargo and Ashland since the crackheads moved out. The very obvious older white female and her entourage are gone.

Its a cliche but so many people missed being hit by minutes or seconds. People shooting bullets in the city have nothing to lose. They don't care who gets hit by the ricochets or what property or car damage they inflict. All that matters is that they have a score to settle. Everything else be damned.

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