Sunday, August 24, 2014

Shot In The Leg On Juneway Terrace

Ashland alley just north of Howard

If you're shot North of Howard its not a big deal. No discussion on Everyblock, nothing on East Rogers Park Facebook, and nada from Just an honorable mention on the shootings roundup list compiled by NBC Chicago.

The only facts publicly known are that a 31 year old man was shot in the leg 3 a.m. apparently Saturday night. A family member bypassed the closest level one trauma and brought the victim to Evanston Hospital for treatment.

Is the area so bad NOH that getting shot isn't newsworthy? Or perhaps the violence is so hopeless that neighbors have just accepted the status quo? On Everyblock neighbors are more concerned about a gray cat that someone found. Spoiler! The cat is safe back at home.

Ashland's end of the line

Interesting drive up to NOH via the Ashland alley. A new black wrought iron fence with built in cut through to Willye B White has replaced the old chewed up chain link. An upgrade but lateral move. Hitting Jonquil via the Ashland alley you encounter a group of 4 youths loitering at the corner. Just down the street a man sits in a Kate's Detective Agency car.

Zigzagging around to the the left and right you find the last stretch of Ashland. Then at the terminus Juneway Terrace. To the left large brick apartment buildings and to the right fancy single family houses and a large courtyard apartment building being worked on.

NOH used to have its own blog 24/7 North of Howard Watchers. Now its hardly given the time of day by local media.



    Multiple postings of same article on Everyblock, this one is an earlier posting and has a few comments at least.

    One poster downplays the danger by saying that you are more likely to be run over by a bicycle than shot.

    That will have people moving to NOH in droves...?


    Wrong link previously, this is the right one.


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