Wednesday, August 20, 2014

John Singer Sargent On Sheridan

The Fountain, Villa Torlonia
Frascati, Italy (detail) 1907

Spotted another one of these prints on California north of Devon. put prints up all over the country during the month of August. Billboards, telephone kiosks, subways, buses, bus stops and stairs are examples of where these masterworks have been plastered.

Above is number 18 out of the 58 selected for display. This particular work is housed at the Art Institute of Chicago which has a decent Sargent collection.

This is a fantastic addition to bus stops. Instead of the usual banal bland advertising, art! Something like this should be sponsored year round. Projects like this can inspire young minds to create their own masterpiece and to visit the Art Institute.

Last edited 8/20/14 7:08 pm

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