Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jargowood Meeting September Second

Jargonauts & Friends

See meeting notice attached (or after jumpbreak).....and agenda.  We meet Tues Sept 2 (after Labour Day) at Chalet Living on Sheridan just south of Jarvis.....

Please note the new CAPS meeting schedule in Sept.  2423 meets Sept 8 and 2422 meets Sept 23.

Our big "continuing issue" is the condition of our streets and alleys due to extensive infrastructure improvements - gas lines, sewers, drains, phone stuff - is there any public utility who has not cut a hole in the pavement?  Drive slowly over the craters and pot holes and large metal planks in the street.  Do not fall into the pit.

I am sorry to remark - our Alderman has time to propose re-naming beaches and streets - but he cannot repair the craters in alley behind his house - axle-busters - support your neighborhood "front end suspension" repair shoppe.  Anyone who thinks that the Alderman's immediate neighbors benefit somehow from improved city services on their block - well, you are wrong.

Fall/autumn is coming and the leaves will fall and the trash will blow around.  Please clear the storm drain in the street in front of your property - no the street sweeper will not exactly remove the stuff clogging the drain.  You have to get out there and get your hands dirty.  We don't want to drown in the puddles after we have fallen into the crater left by the public utilities digging up our streets and parkways and intersections.

Lorraine Dostal

Please continue reading for more info 

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