Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bangers Return To Devon

Just before noon a group of four (twenty something) gangbangers wearing red shirts and caps stood in front of  Devon Market's parking lot (@ Devon and Greenview). It was not safe to take their picture. Police responded quickly.

The flowers, candles, posters in memorial of the innocent bystander (William Lewis) killed in the crossfire of a gang dispute was taken down this afternoon.

Neighbors near and far have to stay vigilant in Rogers Park (and Edgewater). It may not be your property, your corner or your block but your well being (and everyone elses) depends upon you avoiding and not tolerating gang loitering.

This tragedy was just a matter of time. Untrained gunmen kill people on the south side with stray bullets on an almost weekly basis in the summer.

It may only take ten 911 calls or it may take a hundred and ten. In the end it doesn't matter. The streets don't belong to gun toting outlaws. And no one is safe with four corner hustling.

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