Monday, April 28, 2014

Inside Emil Bach

The original FLW window sits in the Art Institute. This window and the others at Emil Bach are reproductions. Notice how the wooden trim allows natural sunlight to hit plants down below. With FLW the devil is in the details.

Wooden night lights with the same window design sell for twenty eight bucks at the Lang House.

Frank Lloyd Wright was not a tall man at five foot nine. But his ego was huge. He designed his houses to be built on his scale. The ceilings at Emil Bach are only seven feet tall. If you are of above average height you will be hard pressed to sit at the built in kitchen table.

Update 4/29/14 9:40 am - added a couple more pictures of the backyard.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

Sitting waiting for the tour to begin this writer spoke to one FLW aficionado. He compared the virtues of the Bach house to Robie, Taliesin and Temple in Racine. He was well versed in his work and spoke highly of Falling Water in Western Pa. He was taken with how modern the Bach house looks compared to its contemporaries across the street.

No flicking of modern light switches here. Old fashioned push buttons throughout. Only one original door was found in the basement covered in paint and plaster. From that lone bedraggled door the rest were fashioned and reproduced.

The built in features like the kitchen table, dresser, make up table etc, are very examples of this FLW element that would become more common in his later designs.

FLW built houses that embraced nature and incorporated natural elements. Note how Emil Bach's street facing facade carries the planters from ground level up to the second floor.

Benjamin Woodard also paid the Emil Bach house a visit yesterday.

Evidence that Michael Bilandic was Mayor

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