Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Grand Opening Sale @ Audio Archaeology

Question marks still surround the
future of the building across the street

Stop by Ellipsis Coffeehouse for a dine in cappuccino or a to go latte (15 percent off) and pick up this handy coupon. Its good for ten percent off purchases at Audio Archaeology at Devon and Wayne (1324 W. Devon).

This stretch of Devon Avenue's retail strip is quickly coming back to life.

Ellipsis debuted last year, Heartland Health Center across the street is replacing a shuttered funeral home and Audio Archaeology had its grand opening this past Saturday. Maddiebird bakery down the street is days away from its grand opening

You know vinyl is hot when they are selling machines that convert mp3 to vinyl.

Audio Archaeology sells vintage furniture to store your turntable and record collections. They sell records and record players too.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa I'll totes check that place out man. I wonder if they've got a back room where we can chill out and listen to albums and maybe spark up some green treats? Seems like the kinda place that might have that.


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