Monday, February 3, 2014

The Ship House

7430 N Sheridan is the closest thing Rogers Park has to a haunted house. Its across the street from the Moonies' house with the big blue school bus that's still boarded up after a Halloween fire.

The ship house is a sprawling old brick dwelling that has suffered from years of neglect.

A tall ladder leans against the south side. Up above the attic window has come loose. The north side of the attic is also open to the elements.

Walking by its obvious the eaves are almost completely rotten. Evidence of water leakage is observed on both sides of the house.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

Old boxes are piled high at the back entrance clearly visible from the alley and from Fargo. The ship house in its current state is a disaster waiting to happen. 

Rare to find a coal chute door outside of large apartment buildings. Music appeared to be emanating from somewhere inside. No footprints lead in or out save that of a bunny rabbit.

The front door is obscured by a giant evergreen. Autos in the driveway haven't moved in a few snowstorms.  
Winter and snow reveal which places are inhabited, abandoned or just plain spooky. Passerby remarked that they have noticed people going in and out every so often.

Zillow states the house last changed hands in 1990 for 305 K and that it was built in 1918.

It's a shame that so many houses on Sheridan are in such poor shape. The structure doesn't appear habitable from cursory inspection.

Tragedies can be avoided if preemptive action is taken. (Like the laundry room on Northshore which was accessible to the entire world.)


  1. This house is occupied by at least one elderly person who seems to need the help and support of the community. It is not an abandoned property.

  2. The owner seems like a very nice man who always says hello, and I'm sorry for the situation. I'm sorry for the house as well because I don't think it will be here long after he moves out. I wish best luck to both.

  3. I'd love to know if there's a story behind the house with the bricked up windows at 1717 W Pratt. I walk past the place a couple times a week, and I've never seen anyone come or go or any lights on, and yet the grass gets mowed occasionally and the place is unusually graffiti free given the area.

    Friends of mine live very near and they call the house The Vampire House. They say that as long as they've lived there, neither of them have seen anyone come or go from the house either.

    The house sits on a good sized lot, and I can't imagine that the owners haven't been approached to sell for redevelopment.


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